Selasa, 03 Februari 2009


In this part, I want to give Conclusion and advising from my report. They are as follows:

3.1 Conclusion

1. In servicing the computer we must know the working menthod of computer hardware and software
2. On assembling, we must carefully in applying the cable to it’s slots, not make any mistakes or turned up side down on pairing the cable
3. Don’t touch inside the computer when the computer in flame condition. Because it’s very dangerous
4. Don’t service the computer before we know what is damaging
5. Don’t be harried in do assembling, installing, or servicing before sure, if needed talk to anybody that more know than us
6. We get many new experiences that never we get before
7. Our knowledge about computer was increased

3.2 Advices

1. For SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora, time for do industry job practice should more longer, so the member of industry job practice get more experiences
2. For my brother in second year of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Blora, you must study hard, so we can provision our self to do the real world industry
3. Don’t shame to talk anybody if we are doesn’t know, to anybody that more know than us

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